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: Beautiful Widgets, widgets application get a facelift back br
Free •Beautiful Widgets Pro v5.4.0
!Tons , tons , just. Beautiful Widgets best friend screen. Make , be unique & express yourself.
Beautiful Widgets was paid app reaching 1 million . been Google Editor's Choice than a year, then 3 years top #5 paid applications Android Play Store (previously Android Market).
Journalists said good things:
- Android Central: " Beautiful Widgets"
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Multiple widgets a clock, , percentage, date some system settings more easily.
Numerous layouts offer different faces same functionality.
More than a thous themes . be able multiple combinations, weather, battery themes. discover web store : http://market.beautiful-widgets.com/
Each widget , allowing create widget locations, different themes.
If customization enough, discover :
- Beautiful 5 days forecast animations
- Multiple language forecast
- Localized time, so know time place world
- 12 Hours forecast
- Moon-phases, current forecast next 4/5 phases
- Weather alerts (USA only)
- Fancy Weather Live Wallpaper OpenGL accelerated which displays the weather live wallpaper, effects, physics and interactions!
- eye current weather thanks great Jelly Bean notifications. Either display icon temperature status bar.
- Android Holo look & feel
- Web Skin Market communication: browse themes from phone along new wallpaper!
- Web Skin Mixer: create customized skins from others themes (http://market.beautiful-widgets.com/...r/explanations)
- HD (High definition) themes
- Nice toggle widgets, Bluetooth, Mobile, Brightness, GPS (shortcut), Silent, Vibrate, Plane Mode, Rotate Timed Silence!
- Animated weather when
Much come. know Widgets created 3 years ago, updated very frequently. So no hesitation, purchase express yourself!
subm own themes from : http://levelupstudio.com/skincreator
*** Important notes ***
We allow 15 minutes refund policy because too short. contact us from Google Checkout within 24 hours with it. Warning: t during sales !
T is SD Card because widgets, so please make sure enough free space device.
Recent changes:
- 5.4.0 (Oct 07, 2013)
New wind speed units setting : Beaufort, Ft/s, Knots, m/s
Show next alarm Clock widget
All widgets areas be used
New widget shortcut: Weather provider's website
New widget shortcut: BW forecast
- 5.3.0 (Jul 11, 2013)
New Trending tab Store
Reduce widgets themes memory footprint
Widgets use less memory
Widgets refresh faster
Temperature dig screen
Warning advisories
Fix widgets freeze
Download Free •Beautiful Widgets Pro v5.4.0